Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Too Much Time On My Hands

Usually I am too busy to keep up with a blog. Under shitty circumstances, I have too much time on my hands this week. I'm going to take full advantage of the time given to mourn and start blogging. Which is probably a lie, I never do what I say.

My sister passed away almost 3 weeks ago and it still doesn't feel real. I keep questioning if I am a self righteous bitch, or if the stages of grief are true and I must be patient and allow myself the time to experience each stage. If that's the case - how long does the denial stage last? I've never experienced a death before and I feel like I'm reacting differently than everyone else. I'm just going to let it ride and hope that I get out of this funk soon. I worry about my sisters children so much. What should I do? What should I do? Do I transfer to the Fresno store, alter my life, and help raise those three teenagers? Or do I just hope for the best and watch from a distance? Bleh. Bleh.